© Dave Allen The Grid Project
This project, Emerging from Lockdown, was run by The Grid Project © Dave Allen in association with Warwick University and Coventry UK City of Culture from Saturday 31st July to Sunday 15th August 2021. It formed part of the Resonate Festival.
Information about The Grid Project © Dave Allen below has been taken from The Grid Project website for accuracy.
Those who live, work or visit Coventry were invited to take part in a map-based photographic survey of central Coventry.
The outcomes of the photographs are shown here (web page address, www.thegridproject.org.uk/Coventry-2021-Grid-Photos), and in an exhibition at the Warwick Arts Centre in November 2021 as part of the Feelings of Freedom festival.
The city centre area covered by this project is small. It is located less than one km from Coventry Railway Station and spans the area from the Transport Museum in the north, the cathedral and Herbert Gallery to the east, The Wave to the south and the retail market to the west. You can see the map of the area by using the link on the left.
This is part of the Warwick Research Project, asking how criminal justice powers to enforce public health restrictions impacted individuals. How do those with young families, those working in front-line services, and those working in retail, hospitality, the arts or at home experience the city? How did they understand the legal restrictions on their freedom of movement and how does the city feel now that they are free to move, to meet, to gather as they please? The responses were woven into a narrative by Georgie Evans to sit alongside the photographs, and as a voice-over to the photographic images in a short film.
The research project was managed by Professor Jackie Hodgson, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) and Professor of Law at The University of Warwick.
The Grid Project was devised and run by Dave Allen.
The narrative for the film was written by Georgie Evans, following interviews she and Livia Mercusa carried out in Coventry city centre.

The Grid Project 'Emerging from Lockdown' exhibition by © Dave Allen is the founder and the artwork designer displayed on the Cosy Club window Coventry City Centre October 2021, a preview to the full exhibition at Warwick Arts Centre for the Resonate Festival from 25th November 2021. Thank you to Dave Allen for displaying the participants' photographs working with the Coventry BID team for The Window Show.

The Grid Project 'Emerging from Lockdown' exhibition by © Dave Allen is the founder and the artwork designer displayed on the Police Museum window Coventry City Centre from 15th November 2021 until 3rd December 2021. Thank you to Dave Allen for displaying the participants' photographs working with the Coventry BID team for The Window Show.














Below are photographs from this mass participation public photographic project The Grid Project © Dave Allen 'Emerging From Lockdown' launch at Warwick Arts Centre, including a film screening produced by © Dave Allen with voices of 25 Coventry people interviewed by University of Warwick researchers, into a story written by Warwick graduate and creative writer Georgie Evans and read by Coventry-born actor Bharti Patel.

The Grid Project poster above has been taken from the Grid Project website designed by © Dave Allen and contains a photograph by © Graeme Leng-Ward.
© Dave Allen founder of The Grid Project